Saturday, November 6, 2010

tRaNsFoRmAtIoN FrOm uGlY dUcKlinG To BeAuTy

what's the meaning of make up???
make up??
make up used to cover any imperfections of the skin..
surprising make up transform the ugly duckling to beauty ...

Like we know make up is the ultimate tools for enhance woman looks, with a make up an ugly chicks could transform into a beautiful model. there’s many woman in the world depends their beauty with this tools. like this Japanese Woman who transform into a very different person after they put a make up into their faces . So this is a miracle of make up that can enhance woman’s looks. so if you think you’re not a beautiful girls why don’t you use this ultimate tools to enhance your beauty??
Here the effect of Make Up and i can say this is an amazing miracle that change their ugly face into a beautiful faces.

p/s::altough it is quite fun to use make up,i prefered natural beauty..i felt really uncomfortable to put make up to my,guy be aware to choose your wife and even your girlfriend..


NuRuLiZzATi kHaLiD said...

muka bapak comei pas make up!!haha~
pr0pa semata-mata..muahaha~

☆ !€yNtAn B€lL!N€ ♥™ said...

tu la pasal..
miracle of make up...
siot je..

Elina said...

niceeeeeee n ur so cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :-P

☆ !€yNtAn B€lL!N€ ♥™ said...

thank you elina =)